It’s not surprising that most of us think of freedom as only being FROM some type of bondage or restriction; which causes us to miss that it’s not just FROM, but it’s “freedom for” AND “freedom to.”
- Freedom TO live as a new creation
- Freedom TO house the spirit of God inside of us
- Freedom TO be the righteousness of God in Christ
- Freedom TO be in union with the Father
- Freedom TO be governed from the inside out.
But many prefer “secure slavery over scary freedom.” {Jamie Englehart}
- Slavery/systems of bondage requires only obedience.
Freedom however, requires growth, maturity and responsibility; all things that require emotional, mental and spiritual investment.
Faith working by love is what matters most in the new creation, therefore, we are free to live and love like Christ.
Law reveals how love would act.
- However, it cannot empower one to act that way; it can only offer incentives and consequences – neither of which change a heart or transform a life.
We’re free from Law – but also free TO live the life of Christ, operating by the faith of the Son of God.
- One key element of living HIS life by HIS faith is having union with the Father and communion with Holy Spirit.
- We’re invited, in an atmosphere and culture of freedom, to be led by the spirit – and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
For more, click on the link below and see my notes on the subject: